HIEU 322 Quiz 8

HIEU 322 Quiz 8 Liberty University

HIEU 322 Quiz: The Fall of the Roman Empire

Module 8: Week 8

  1. What were some characteristics of the classical Greco-Roman city?
  2. While Theodosius in the late 4th century banned the outward expression of paganism, there was no specifc attack on pagans. Indeed, many pagans continued to serve in high places in government and in schools, and pagan books were even allowed free circulation.
  3. These images of particularly holy people, objects, or scenes received particular attention during the 5th and 6th
  4. This German group was made up of particularly fanatical Arians, and their leaders often banished Catholic clergy to the desert and used Catholic bishops as forced laborers.
  5. This bishop of Clermont saw classical culture and Christianity as allies against uncouth invaders.
  6. This pagan was the court poet of Honorius and Stilicho. He wrote highly polished classicizing dactylic hexameter poems that praised his two 4th century A.D. patrons.
  7. This friend of Augustine wrote History Against the Pagans, arguing that the God had created the Roman Empire in order to spread Christianity and that Roman-Christian culture would eventually absorb the Germanic invaders.
  8. This 6thcentury Eastern emperor initiated an “inquisition” to eradicate pagan thought. He forbade anyone except baptized Christians to teach. When some schools in Athens refused to comply, he confiscated the schools’ endowments.
  9. The writings of this Athenian were supposed to have been from a 1st century convert of the Apostle Paul. However, it is now known that that was not the case. He was actually a 5th century writer espousing Neoplatonic philosophy—i.e. that God cannot be known directly and only interacts with people through a series of nine angelic emanations.
  10. This Greek historian of the 5th century A.D. wrote New History, an account of the Roman Empire from Augustus to the sack of Rome in 410. Overall, he was very anti-Christian in his perspective, and blamed Rome’s troubles on neglect of the old gods.
  11. This old stock pagan poet wrote On His Return, which described his travels from Rome to his Gallic estates damaged by German invaders. Overall, he condemned barbarians, Judaism, monasticism, and all else that he felt was destroying paganism and the Empire.
  12. His City of God (410) was a response to the Visigoth sacking of Rome that same year. Overall, he argued that the world could never be the central concern of a Christian. The ideal state, he wrote, could not be realized on earth; it existed only in heaven. The misfortunes of Rome, therefore, should not distress a Christian for Christianity belonged to the realm of the spirit and could not be identified with any state. Still, people must deal with this earth, he insisted, and bend it to t a Christian pattern.
  13. What caused the decline of cities in the Roman Empire during this period?
  14. This Latin historian bridged the gap between Antiquity and the Middle Ages. His History of the Franks began with the Garden of Eden, but focused on the Merovingian Franks.
  15. There was little innovation in the realm of architecture during this period. Despite official attempts to preserve the great monuments of the past, including pagan temples, many were used as quarries for the building of Christian churches.
  16. Philosophy remained a major enterprise in these two cities. They also provided a refuge for pagan intellectuals.
  17. Which of the following is true about Augustine?
  18. Justinian’s task of rooting out paganism in the countryside was made easier by this?
  19. In Hero and Leander, this poet told the story of young Leander who sees the beautiful Hero at a religious festival and convinces her of his love. Each night he swam the Hellespont to join her secretly in her family lofty tower next to the sea. One night he was overpowered by a storm and drowned. When Hero later saw his body wash on shore, she jumped from the tower and joined him in death.
  20. This 5thcentury heresy was led by a Welsh layman named Morgan who denied that Adam’s original sin derived from his sin nature and was transmitted to posterity. The sect, then, argued that it was possible to gain salvation through one’s own efforts in leading a righteous life.
  21. This Church historian wrote in the mid-5th Well-read in philosophy, theology, and logic, he qualified and carefully cited his sources. His Church History continued Eusebius from 306 to 439.
  22. During the 5th century A.D., the only stable coinage in the fragmenting Roman Empire was this.
  23. By the mid-500s A.D., the city of Rome was all but abandoned. Indeed, after 600, it was primarily a site of monasteries and churches inhabited by clerics and a few Byzantine officials.
  24. Which of the following is true about Emperor Justinian’s attempts to improve the position of children in society in the 6th century?
  25. In the Eastern Empire, divorce was forbidden under any circumstance.
  26. The urban population of the Roman Empire declined dramatically during the 5thand 6th centuries A.D. Indeed, many cities were destroyed, abandoned, or transformed into something quite different than before.
  27. This Byzantine Church built during the time of Justinian set a whole new style of church architecture. It included a domed roof with a floor plan in the shape of a Greek cross.
  28. Emperor Justinian was not sympathetic toward the Jewish population within his eastern Empire. While he did not forbid orthodox Jews to practice their religion, he abandoned the secular toleration that the Roman government had traditionally maintained toward them.
  29. Which of the following was a problem in the fallen western Empire between old Romans and the German newcomers?
  30. By the early 7th century A.D., coins ceased to circulate widely.
  31. This Christian writer was governor of Campania who devoted himself to the cult of St. Felix of Nola. Each year he composed one of his Natalicia poetic sermons that used familiar rural themes and everyday life to the pagan peasants.
  32. This secretary to Pope Damascus in the 4th century undertook the Latin translation of the Bible, the Vulgate.
  33. In general, the cities of the East fared much better than those of the West in the 5th and 6th Indeed, while the city of Rome was shrinking, Constantinople grew in population to about a half a million.
  34. Roman cities declined in this pattern:
  35. Due to the reforms of Emperor Anastasius in the late 5th century, the Eastern Empire never experienced monetary troubles. Inflation was kept in check, money was stable, and Imperial mints functioned smoothly.
  36. This 5thcentury public official from Libya was steeped in pagan philosophy, but represented his area so well that many Christians respected him and elected him bishop. He was allowed to keep his wife and his philosophical beliefs, and in return, he accepted basic Christian doctrines like the Resurrection.
  37. In the 5th and 6th centuries, the amount of cultivated land declined along with trade and the Roman monetary system. Why?
  38. The decorative arts, including tapestries, elaborately designed jewelry, and lavishly wrought icons and mosaics, were not plentiful in the 5th and 6th
  39. This Germanic group actually converted directly from paganism to orthodox Catholic Christianity in the early 6th
  40. This Eastern emperor made a concerted effort in the mid-6th century to improve conditions for lower-class women. In 535, he made it a crime to trick girls into prostitution, and moved to protect all women from seduction, abduction, and rape.
  41. Using lectures and your readings, what—just briey– were some reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire in the West?

Other sets

  1. The writings of this Athenian were supposed to have been from a 1 stcentury convert of the Apostle Paul.  However, it is now known that that was not the case.  He was actually a 5 th century writer espousing Neoplatonic philosophy—i.e. that God cannot be known directly and only interacts with people through a series of nine angelic emanations.
  2. This Byzantine Church built during the time of Justinian set a whole new style of church architecture.  It included a domed roof with a floor plan in the shape of a Greek cross.
  3. In the Eastern Empire, divorce was forbidden under any circumstance.
  4. What caused the decline of cities in the Roman Empire during this period?
  5. Emperor Justinian was not sympathetic toward the Jewish population within his eastern Empire.   While he did not forbid orthodox Jews to practice their religion, he abandoned the secular toleration that the Roman government had traditionally maintained toward them.
  6. These images of particularly holy people, objects, or scenes received particular attention during the 5 thand 6 th
  7. Due to the reforms of Emperor Anastasius in the late 5 thcentury, the Eastern Empire never experienced monetary troubles.  Inflation was kept in check, money was stable, and Imperial mints functioned smoothly.
  8. This bishop of Clermont saw classical culture and Christianity as allies against uncouth invaders.
  9. There was little innovation in the realm of architecture during this period.  Despite official attempts to preserve the great monuments of the past, including pagan temples, many were used as quarries for the building of Christian churches.
  10. Philosophy remained a major enterprise in these two cities.  They also provided a refuge for pagan intellectuals.
  11. His City of God (410) was a response to the Visigoth sacking of Rome that same year.  Overall, he argued that the world could never be the central concern of a Christian.  The ideal state, he wrote, could not be realized on earth; it existed only in heaven.  The misfortunes of Rome, therefore, should not distress a Christian for Christianity belonged to the realm of the spirit and could not be identified with any state.  Still, people must deal with this earth, he insisted, and bend it to fit a Christian pattern.
  12. This 6 th
    century Eastern emperor initiated an “inquisition” to eradicate pagan thought.  He forbade anyone except baptized Christians to teach.  When some schools in Athens refused to comply, he confiscated the schools’ endowments.
  13. This Christian writer was governor of Campania who devoted himself to the cult of St. Felix of Nola.  Each year he composed one of his Nataliciapoetic sermons that used familiar rural themes and everyday life to the pagan peasants.
  14. What were some characteristics of the classical Greco-Roman city?
  15. This Church historian wrote in the mid-5 th Well-read in philosophy, theology, and logic, he qualified and carefully cited his sources.  His Church History continued Eusebius from 306 to 439.
  16. This secretary to Pope Damascus in the 4 thcentury undertook the Latin translation of the Bible, the Vulgate.
  17. During the 5 thcentury A.D., the only stable coinage in the fragmenting Roman Empire was this.
  18. While Theodosius in the late 4 thcentury banned the outward expression of paganism, there was no specific attack on pagans.  Indeed, many pagans continued to serve in high places in government and in schools, and pagan books were even allowed free circulation.
  19. This old stock pagan poet wrote On His Return, which described his travels from Rome to his Gallic estates damaged by German invaders.  Overall, he condemned barbarians, Judaism, monasticism, and all else that he felt was destroying paganism and the Empire.
  20. Justinian’s task of rooting out paganism in the countryside was made easier by this?
  21. In the 5 thand 6 thcenturies, the amount of cultivated land declined along with trade and the Roman monetary system.  Why?
  22. This Latin historian bridged the gap between Antiquity and the Middle Ages.  His History of the Franksbegan with the Garden of Eden, but focused on the Merovingian Franks.
  23. This Greek historian of the 5 thcentury A.D. wrote New History, an account of the Roman Empire from Augustus to the sack of Rome in 410.  Overall, he was very anti-Christian in his perspective, and blamed Rome’s troubles on neglect of the old gods.
  24. This pagan was the court poet of Honorius and Stilicho.  He wrote highly polished classicizing dactylic hexameter poems that praised his two 4 th
    century A.D. patrons.
  25. By the early 7thcentury A.D., coins ceased to circulate widely.
  26. This German group was made up of particularly fanatical Arians, and their leaders often banished Catholic clergy to the desert and used Catholic bishops as forced laborers.
  27. Roman cities declined in this pattern:
  28. This 5 th
    century heresy was led by a Welsh layman named Morgan who denied that Adam’s original sin derived from his sin nature and was transmitted to posterity.  The sect, then, argued that it was possible to gain salvation through one’s own efforts in leading a righteous life.
  29. This Germanic group actually converted directly from paganism to orthodox Catholic Christianity in the early 6 th
  30. This friend of Augustine wrote History Against the Pagans, arguing that the God had created the Roman Empire in order to spread Christianity and that Roman-Christian culture would eventually absorb the Germanic invaders.
  31. In Hero and Leander, this poet told the story of young Leander who sees the beautiful Hero at a religious festival and convinces her of his love.  Each night he swam the Hellespont to join her secretly in her family lofty tower next to the sea.  One night he was overpowered by a storm and drowned.  When Hero later saw his body wash on shore, she jumped from the tower and joined him in death.
  32. This 5 th
    century public official from Libya was steeped in pagan philosophy, but represented his area so well that many Christians respected him and elected him bishop.  He was allowed to keep his wife and his philosophical beliefs, and in return, he accepted basic Christian doctrines like the Resurrection.
  33. Which of the following was a problem in the fallen western Empire between old Romans and the German newcomers?
  34. The decorative arts, including tapestries, elaborately designed jewelry, and lavishly wrought icons and mosaics, were not plentiful in the 5 thand 6 th
  35. Which of the following is true about Augustine?
  36. This Eastern emperor made a concerted effort in the mid-6 thcentury to improve conditions for lower-class women.   In 535, he made it a crime to trick girls into prostitution, and moved to protect all women from seduction, abduction, and rape.
  37. By the mid-500s A.D., the city of Rome was all but abandoned.  Indeed, after 600, it was primarily a site of monasteries and churches inhabited by clerics and a few Byzantine officials.
  38. The urban population of the Roman Empire declined dramatically during the 5 th
    and 6 thcenturies A.D.   Indeed, many cities were destroyed, abandoned, or transformed into something quite different than before.
  39. Which of the following is true about Emperor Justinian’s attempts to improve the position of children in society in the 6 thcentury?
  40. In general, the cities of the East fared much better than those of the West in the 5 thand 6 th Indeed, while the city of Rome was shrinking, Constantinople grew in population to about a half a million.
  41. Using lectures and your readings, what—just briefly– were some reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire in the West?
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