EDCO 715 Quiz 1

EDCO 715 Quiz 1 Liberty University

EDUC 715 Quiz: Background-Related and Emotions-Related Theories

Module 1: Week 1 – Module 4: Week 4

  1. Trauma therapists view the following ideas from Freud as positive EXCEPT
  2. The most powerful factor in change appears to be
  3. Which client characteristic seems unrelated to outcome?
  4. Counselors should consider clients’ ___________ prior to selecting interventions and counseling theories in order to ensure that the interventions selected are appropriate for each clients’ maturity level.
  5. A 30-year-old African American female says she would feel most comfortable with a clinician of similar age and background. To enhance the therapeutic alliance, it would be best to
  6. Susan, a Freudian analyst, looks forward to her 10AM client on Fridays. She spends a lot of time reading about issues relevant to this client’s presentation. Susan is probably experiencing:
  7. Issues of dependency and trust are particularly important during the ________ stage
  8. According to Freud, a key thing that the analyst does is
  9. Issues of shame and doubt arise during the ______________ stage, according to Freudian theory.
  10. The pursuit of pleasure and gratification as embodied by the “pleasure principle” is the goal of the
  11. According to Adler, we are most influenced by siblings who
  12. Individual psychology focuses away from disease and pathology and instead
  13. According to Adler, the major influence on the development of lifestyle is
  14. All of the following play a major role in Adlerian psychology EXCEPT?
  15. Zak is extremely talented in mathematics and represents his school at many math competitions. He has never been very good at or interested in art. His brother Thomas, however, enjoys art and has created cover designs for school programs. He has gone to great lengths to avoid math- related activities. Thomas is most likely
  16. Dora was having difficulty deciding whether or not to change jobs. She said that she also had a hard time deciding where to live, what furniture to buy, and whether to buy a new car. Her Adlerian counselor was not surprised to learn that Dora was a/an child.
  17. Which statement most accurately reflects Adler’s view of human nature?
  18. Jungian terms for the direction of energy movement are
  19. People tend to have the greatest difficulty in managing which function?
  20. Jung attributed such reactions as fear of the dark to
  21. Jung believed that the easiest access to the unconscious was through
  22. The side of ourselves that we show to the outside world is the
  23. The opposite of the sensing function is
  24. Meichenbaum’s work integrates
  25. Cognitive therapists believe that effective therapy consists primarily of
  26. The fundamental goal of existential therapy is to
  27. Adam, a legislator, was asked by a special interest group to vote for legislation which he did not truly support. Despite his feelings, Adam voted for the law because he had offended the group in the past and wanted to garner their support for future legislative efforts. In existential terms, Adam is
  28. “Logotherapy” refers to therapy focused on
  29. A concept shared by both existential and person-centered therapy is that of
  30. Existential therapists believe that emotional difficulties stem from failure to
  31. ________ is often the result of efforts to defend against existential guilt.
  32. All of the following are examples of the ultimate concerns of the human condition EXCEPT?
  33. Francisco’s client sounded irritated when Francisco asked her how her week had been. A clinician response that shows immediacy might be:
  34. All of the following are fundamental goals of person-centered counseling EXCEPT?
  35. A primary goal of person-centered counseling is to
  36. The focus of person-centered counseling is most likely to be
  37. Which of the following is true of sympathy?
  38. Rogers believed that the highest authority in guiding treatment should be the
  39. In Gestalt theory, actualization is
  40. Which of the following is the least likely question that a Gestalt therapist might ask of a client who is making a fist with his hand?
  41. In Gestalt therapy, identification and alienation are related to shifting
  42. Tamar is intently reading a book and is oblivious to the radio playing. Identify the figure and ground in this example.
  43. One way to look at the human tendency to self-actualize is that it’s
  44. From a Christian perspective, secular Existential Therapy asks the right questions but gives the wrong answers.
  45. Gestalt Therapy is like Existential Therapy in that it asks clients important questions about meaning and purpose.
  46. Tan agrees with Gestalt Therapy’s emphasis on taking responsibility for one’s choices.
  47. Tan believes Gestalt Therapy’s emphasis on self-awareness and authenticity are sufficient treatment goals in themselves when working with a Christian client.
  48. A Biblical perspective on Person-Centered Therapy’s focus on self-actualization would add the need for cultivating self-transcendence.
  49. Tan believes Rogers’ emphasis on the therapeutic triad of unconditional positive regard, congruence, and empathy are equivalent with God’s agape love.
  50. Rogers ______ view of humanity must be balanced with the reality of _______.
  51. This philosophical perspective acknowledges that there is a real world outside of our subjective experience and that discovering universal principles is possible; however, it also recognizes that our subjective experiences will limit our ability to know this real world.
  52. The Biblical field of Hermeneutics bears some similarities to this philosophical stance
  53. A counseling theorist who presupposes God does not exist will be more likely
    to pathologize faith in God than a counseling theorist who presupposes God does exist.
  54. “Why are you studying psychodynamic therapy at Liberty?” Sarah Self-Righteous asks, “The Bible says to forget those things which lie behind and to press forward to those things which are ahead (Philippians 4:13)”. You might respond to Sarah by saying
  55. The emphasis in psychoanalytic therapy models on the darkness in the human heart has some similarities with
  56. From a Biblical perspective, Jung displayed the following positives EXCEPT
  57. This theological concept helps us understand how God can use an atheist or non-Christian to develop something good or helpful for humanity.
  58. Crucial process skills in process-experiential therapy include the following EXCEPT
  59. The efficacy of Christian-accomodative psychodynamic treatments has been well- established, according to Edwards and Davis.
  60. Edwards and Davis note that process-experiential therapy is most likely to be effective with clients who have an internalizing coping style.
  61. Process-experiential therapists do not teach clients affect regulation skills, preferring the clients to experience the full impact of their feelings in sessions only.
  62. Process-experiential therapists use systematic evocative unfolding to provide a conceptual analysis of a situation the client experienced.
  63. In process-experiential therapy, the third phase, transformation and restructuring of emotional experience, takes place over the entire course of therapy.
  64. According to Dr. Eric Johnson, negative emotions aren’t inherently bad; rather, these emotions are signals that something is wrong.
  65. Eric Johnson notes that in God’s eyes persons who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord have very few unique qualities as compared to non-Christians.
  66. The following are some of the reasons Christians are sometimes cautious regarding emotional expression and processing EXCEPT
  67. Kim-van Daalen and Johnson observe that developing a Christian emotion-focused therapy is challenging because the Bible has few examples showing the importance of emotions in the Christian’s life.
  68. This book of the Bible exemplifies the intentional expression of emotions, according to Kim- van Daalen and Johnson.
  69. Johnson and Kim-van Daalen believe utilizing Christian-based imagery in Christian Emotion- Focused Therapy is inappropriate.
  70. The stages of Christian Emotion-Focused Therapy, according to Kim-van Daalen and Johnson, involve the following EXCEPT
  71. Two goals, according to Moriarty (2008), for spiritually-oriented time-limited dynamic psychotherapy (TLDP) include
  72. Moriarty (2008) notes that time-limited dynamic psychotherapy (TLDP) has empirical support.
  73. Tan notes that while some authors try to distinguish between the terms counseling and psychotherapy, many authors use the two terms interchangeably.
  74. Tan notes potentially harmful counselor motivations include all of the following EXCEPT
  75. Tan asserts that Christian counselors not only seek to alleviate client symptoms but also seek to promote spiritual growth when appropriate.
  76. According to Tan, in many states having a sexual relationship with a client is not only unethical, it’s also illegal.
  77. The Biblical concept of humanity being created in God’s image reinforces the Freudian emphasis on the darker aspects of human nature.
  78. Adler’s focus on how future goals can motivate and direct a person’s behavior, according to Tan, fits better with a Biblical perspective that is future-oriented as well.
  79. Adler’s focus on correcting mistaken life goals and distorted private logic is consistent with the Bible’s emphasis on renewing the mind, according to Tan.
  80. Tan notes that Adler emphasized the equality of men and women.

Set 1

  1. A main goal of Freudian psychoanalysis is to
  2. Existential therapy is an appropriate choice for crisis resolution
  3. A client arrived at a counseling session irate because a parking attendant had made him move his car. The client stated, “Even though the sign said NO PARKING, there was no reason why the attendant couldn’t let me park there.” The clinician helped the client to see that, although he criticized others for ignoring rules and laws, he believed that he was special and did not have to abide by the rules and laws that pertained to others. The technique which the clinician employed is called
  4. The relationship in Self-Psychology (SP) therapy differs from traditional Freudian psychoanalysis in that:
  5. Brief psychodynamic treatment is rarely if ever recommended for treatment of
  6. According to Jung, the side of ourselves that we show to the outside world is the
  7. From a Gestalt perspective, one of the main causes of people’s lack of full awareness is
  8. Empathy is most like
  9. According to Perls, people with “growth disorders” are overwhelmed by
  10. Neoanalytic approaches to counseling originated in Freud’s models but then deviated  slightly or significantly. Which theory seems the closest to traditional psychoanalysis?
  11. Existential therapy is more a philosophy than a structured treatment system
  12. Which theoretical orientation is the most effective overall?
  13. Which of the following is not a fundamental goal of person-centered counseling?
  14. Despite its self-defeating quality, Gabe had been unsuccessful in eliminating his use of alcohol because of the pleasure it brought him. In Freudian terms, which personality system was dominating his behavior?
  15. Narrative therapists believe that stories supporting the dominant theme
  16. Existential therapists seek “I to thou” relationships with their clients
  17. Jennie tells her Adlerian counselor that she would love be the life of the party but she is just too shy. Andy the Adlerian instructs Jennie to spend the next two weeks pretending that she is outgoing and sociable. Andy is using the Individual Psychology technique known as:
  18. The most useful therapeutic skill, according to Person-Centered counselors, is
  19. According to Freud, human behavior is driven by
  20. The counselor’s role in brief psychodynamic therapy is to
  21. Susan, a Freudian analyst, looks forward to her 10AM client on Fridays.  She spends a lot of time reading about issues relevant to this client’s presentation.  Susan is probably experiencing:
  22. When a new client, Janet, met with her therapist, she discussed issues in her current career choice. Her therapist was particularly interested in looking at complexes she may have related to this issue. She discussed Janet’s propensity toward introversion, and how that tendency may be a factor in career decision making. This therapist is most likely practicing from the following perspective
  23. The Most important element in Person Centered therapy is:
  24. A 30-year-old African American female says she would feel most comfortable with a clinician of similar age and background. To enhance the therapeutic alliance, it would be best to
  25. Which of the following concepts is not typically addressed by feminist therapy?
  26. Person-Centered therapists do no assessment
  27. Everyone will experience issues of an existential nature at some point in their lives
  28. Issues of shame and doubt arise during the ______________ stage, according to Freudian theory.
  29. Which of the following does not play a major role in Adlerian therapy?
  30. “Landscapes of consciousness” refers to
  31. The fundamental goal of existential therapy is to
  32. Which client characteristic seems unrelated to outcome?
  33. According to Karen Horney, an Ego Psychologist, the most powerful human drive is
  34. According to Adler, feelings of pain and inadequacy are caused primarily by
  35. Anna Freud, a respected child therapist, was Sigmund Freud’s daughter
  36. Existential counselors attempt to create a value-free therapeutic environment
  37. Carl Jung is responsible for all but which one of the following concepts in psychology?
  38. Which of the following statements is false?
  39. According to Freud, the MOST powerful source of human behavior is _________________
  40. Freud’s theory that children unconsciously wished to eliminate their same-sex parent to take over that parent’s place sexually with the spouse (the Oedipal complex in boys and the Electra complex in girls) inadvertently led to disbelieving some cases of legitimate childhood sexual abuse.
  41. Fred’s client sounded irritated when Fred asked her how her week had been. A counseling response that shows immediacy in this situation might be
  42. Research on counseling effectiveness
  43. The Biblical idea of the fallen nature includes but goes beyond Jung’s idea of the shadow side of persons.
  44. The goals of process-experiential therapy, according to Edwards and David, include the following EXCEPT
  45. According to Edwards and Davis, process experiential therapies view emotions as the primary motivational system
  46. Process-experiential therapists do not use confrontation, according to Edwards and Davis.
  47. Rogers ______ view of humanity must be balanced with the reality of _______.
  48. Process-experiential therapists seek to expand the client’s window of affect tolerance and regulation
  49. Existential therapists and Person-Centered therapists tend to believe that, if everyone was pursuing self-actualization, a sort of harmony would naturally emerge rather than conflict.  Christianity agrees with this premise.
  50. Kim-van Daalen and Johnson observe that developing a Christian emotion-focused therapy is challenging because the Bible has few examples showing the importance of emotions in the Christian’s life.
  51. The following are some of the reasons Christians are sometimes cautious regarding emotional expression and processing EXCEPT
  52. This therapeutic approach is closest to Christianity in its focus on core human concerns.
  53. Tan agrees with Gestalt Therapy’s emphasis on taking responsibility for one’s choices.
  54. In the uncovering phase of Christian Emotion-Focused Therapy, Kim-van Daalen and Johnson propose that the therapist accept whatever emotions surface in the client regardless of their ethical value
  55. Eric Johnson believes that Christian counseling with Christian clients should never include seeking to enhance their relationship with Christ because of the secular nature of counseling.
  56. Tan believes that Gestalt Therapy’s emphasis on cultivating awareness of feelings must be balanced with addressing one’s thoughts.
  57. Edwards and Davis note that Process-experiential therapists believe that the primary way that clients cope with problematic emotions is through avoidance.
  58. In reviewing the literature of self-care strategies for counselors, Tan notes the following helpful practices of self-care EXCEPT
  59. This philosophy seen in some counseling approaches focuses on each person’s unique subjective experience (her thoughts, feelings about the world, people, her thoughts/feelings about herself), as well as the person’s current five sense experience—what she’s seeing, hearing, feeling in her body, etc.  There are no universal truths, only unique individual experiences.
  60. Moriarty notes that time-limited dynamic psychotherapy (TLDP) has a theory of God image difficulties are maintained.  This theory states
  61. Mortification and vivification are two unique processes in Christian counseling, according to Dr. Eric Johnson.
  62. Adler’s focus on how future goals can motivate and direct a person’s behavior, according to Tan, fits better with a Biblical perspective that is future-oriented as well.
  63. Edwards and Davis believe that Christianity is a cognitively focused religion in which positive transformation takes place through right believing.
  64. Which statement below aligns with a Biblical perspective on the role of the past in counseling?
  65. Tan observes that therapeutic change in clients results from client and therapist factors more than from techniques.
  66. Different counselors may come up with different solutions to difficult ethical dilemmas, according to Tan.
  67. Tan notes that Freud’s deterministic view of the personality being set in the first 5-6 years is consistent with the Bible’s view on the potential for change in a person.
  68. Tan notes potentially harmful counselor motivations include all of the following EXCEPT
  69. In some ways, Jung’s work resembles the gnostic heresy of the first three centuries of the early church.
  70. Although Emotion-Focused Therapy is an empirically supported treatment for depression, Christian versions of EFT have yet to be investigated in the treatment of depression.
  71. Gestalt Therapy, according to Tan, may predispose a person to judge ethically challenging situations by how different outcomes would benefit the person rather than an objective moral standard.
  72. Tan notes the following issues with Freud’s classical psychoanalysis EXCEPT
  73. This philosophy sometimes seen in counseling models emphasizes how reality is co-created by the subjective experiences of the individuals interacting in the situation. Truth is always relative to the perceptions of the individuals involved.
  74. Tan asserts that Christian counselors not only seek to alleviate client symptoms but also seek to promote spiritual growth when appropriate.
  75. Eric Johnson notes that in God’s eyes persons who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord have very few unique qualities as compared to non-Christians.
  76. From a Christian perspective, secular Existential Therapy asks the right questions but gives the wrong answers.
  77. Tan and Rogers agree that personal experience is the highest form of knowledge.
  78. Tan notes that Adler emphasized the equality of men and women.
  79. The Biblical concept of humanity being created in God’s image reinforces the Freudian emphasis on the darker aspects of human nature.
  80. Adler’s focus on correcting mistaken life goals and distorted private logic is consistent with the Bible’s emphasis on renewing the mind, according to Tan.

Set 2

  1. Rogers believed that the highest authority in guiding treatment should be the
  2. Which two of the following, according to Freud, are most likely to be in conflict with each other?
  3. Fred’s client sounded irritated when Fred asked her how her week had been. A counseling response that shows immediacy in this situation might be
  4. According to Karen Horney, an Ego Psychologist, the most powerful human drive is
  5. The most powerful factor in change appears to be
  6. Which of the following is NOTan example of an emotion-focused counseling model?
  7. A client arrived at a counseling session irate because a parking attendant had made him move his car. The client stated, “Even though the sign said NO PARKING, there was no reason why the attendant couldn’t let me park there.” The clinician helped the client to see that, although he criticized others for ignoring rules and laws, he believed that he was special and did not have to abide by the rules and laws that pertained to others. The technique which the clinician employed is called
  8. The growing emphasis on spirituality in counseling is consistent with the existential perspective
  9. The counselor’s role in brief psychodynamictherapy is to
  10. The term “Gestalt” refers to
  11. Which of the following is true of the Object Relations Therapists, Self Psychologists, and Relational Psychoanalysts
  12. Freud’s theory that children unconsciously wished to eliminate their same-sex parent to take over that parent’s place sexually with the spouse(the Oedipal complex in boys and the Electra complex in girls) inadvertently led to disbelieving some cases of legitimate childhood sexual abuse.
  13. Trauma therapists have criticized Freud’s psychosexualtheory of development because it can lead to a denial of sexual abuse.
  14. Which client characteristic seems unrelated to outcome?
  15. Anna Freud, a respected child therapist, was Sigmund Freud’s daughter
  16. Gestalt therapy focuses on
  17. Trauma therapists view the following ideas from Freud as positive EXCEPT
  18. Existential therapy is more a philosophy than a structured treatment system
  19. Which of the following is untrue of Freudian psychoanalytic therapy.
  20. Recognizing and working with feelings in therapy sessions is important for all of the following reasons except
  21. Which of the following does not play a major role in Adlerian therapy?
  22. Narrative therapists believe that stories supporting the dominant theme
  23. Jennie tells her Adlerian counselor that she would love be the life of the party but she is just too shy. Andy the Adlerian instructs Jennie to spend the next two weeks pretending that she is outgoing and sociable. Andy is using the Individual Psychology technique known as:
  24. The unconscious sexual and aggressive drives are important areas for exploration in existential therapy
  25. Which of the following concepts best reflects solution-focused brief therapy?
  26. Empathy is most like
  27. When a new client, Janet, met with her therapist, she discussed issues in her current career choice. Her therapist was particularly interested in looking at complexes she may have related to this issue. She discussed Janet’s propensity toward introversionand how that tendency may be a factor in career decision making. This therapist is most likely practicing from the following perspective
  28. All of the following treatment modalities were greatly influenced by person-centered counseling in their development except one.  Which one was not?
  29. The Rogerian therapists believe that humans are engaged in an ongoing process of evaluating their experiences to see if the experiences are growth enhancing and life producing or if the experiences detract from growth and vitality. This process is called the:
  30. The purpose of mapping, according to narrative therapy, is to
  31. In Gestalt therapy, work with dreams is
  32. According to Adler, feelings of pain and inadequacy are caused primarily by
  33. The _______________ can be thought of as the opposite of the id
  34. Which of the following concepts is nottypically addressed by feminist therapy?
  35. An important goal of the person-centered counselor is to
  36. Adam, a legislator, was asked by a special interest group to vote for legislation which he did not truly support. Despite his feelings, Adam voted for the law because he had offended the group in the past and wanted to garner their support for future legislative efforts. In existential terms, Adam is
  37. According to Freud, human behavior is driven by
  38. According to Freud, whichentity is guided by the pleasure principle?
  39. Carl Jung is responsible for all but which one of the following concepts in psychology?
  40. Adlerian therapists believe that humans are primarily motivated by all of the following, except
  41. Susan, a Freudian analyst, looks forward to her 10AM client on Fridays.  She spends a lot of time reading about issues relevant to this client’s presentation.  Susan is probably experiencing:
  42. Adler’s model of the client-counselor relationship was very similar to Freud’s
  43. Tan believes Rogers’ emphasis on the therapeutic triad of unconditional positive regard, congruence, and empathy are equivalent with God’s agape love.
  44. The emphasis in psychoanalytic therapy models on the darkness in the human heart has some similarities with
  45. Process-experiential therapists do not teach clients affect regulation skills, preferring the clients to experience the full impact of their feelings in sessions only.
  46. Gestalt Therapy is like Existential Therapy in that it asks clients important questions about meaning and purpose.
  47. Tan agrees with Gestalt Therapy’s emphasis on taking responsibility for one’s choices.
  48. Process-experiential therapists seek to expand the client’s window of affect tolerance and regulation
  49. According to Dr. Eric Johnson, negative emotions aren’t inherently bad; rather, these emotions are signals that something is wrong.
  50. Edwards and Davis note that Process-experiential therapists believe that the primary way that clients cope with problematic emotions is through avoidance.
  51. Process-experiential therapists use systematic evocative unfolding to provide a conceptual analysis of a situation the client experienced.
  52. This philosophical perspective acknowledges that there is a real world outside of our subjective experience and that discovering universal principles is possible; however, it also recognizes that oursubjective experiences will limit our ability to know this real world.
  53. The self-actualization tendency has some similarities with
  54. This philosophy seen in some counseling approaches focuses on each person’s unique subjective experience (her thoughts, feelings about the world, people, her thoughts/feelings about herself), as well as the person’s current five sense experience—whatshe’s seeing, hearing, feeling in her body, etc.  There are no universal truths, only unique individual experiences.
  55. From a Biblical perspective, Jung displayed the following positives EXCEPT
  56. A counseling theorist who presupposes God does not exist will be more likely to pathologizefaith in God than a counseling theorist who presupposes God does exist.
  57. Tan notes that while some authors try to distinguish between the terms counseling and psychotherapy, many authors use the two terms interchangeably.
  58. Which statement below aligns with a Biblical perspective on the role of the past in counseling?
  59. The goals of process-experiential therapy, according to Edwards and David, include the following EXCEPT
  60. Gestalt Therapy, according to Tan, may predispose a person to judge ethically challenging situations by how different outcomes would benefit the person rather than an objective moral standard.
  61. Tan notes potentiallyharmful counselor motivations include all of the following EXCEPT
  62. In the uncovering phase of Christian Emotion-Focused Therapy, Kim-van Daalenand Johnson propose that the therapist accept whatever emotions surface in the client regardless of their ethical value
  63. According to Edwards and Davis, process experiential therapies view emotions as the primary motivational system
  64. Edwards and Davis believe that Christianity is a cognitively focused religion in which positive transformation takes place through right believing.
  65. Tan agrees that Gestalt Therapy’s focus on cultivating present moment awareness in the client is sufficient to shape the client’s values and behavior.
  66. The Biblical idea of the fallen nature includes but goes beyond Jung’s idea of the shadow side of persons.
  67. From a Christian perspective, secular Existential Therapy asks the right questions but gives the wrong answers.
  68. Rogers ______ view of humanity must be balanced with the reality of _______.
  69. In some ways, Jung’s work resembles the gnostic heresy of the first three centuries of the early church.
  70. The Biblical concept of humanity being created in God’s image reinforces the Freudian emphasis on the darker aspects of human nature.
  71. Tan believes Gestalt Therapy’s emphasis on self-awareness and authenticity are sufficient treatment goals in themselves when working with a Christian client.
  72. This theological concept helps us understand how God can use an atheist or non-Christian to develop something good or helpful for humanity.
  73. Kim van Daalenand Johnson note that ever since the Greek cultural empire the emotions have been placed above reason in Western intellectual tradition.
  74. Tan notes the following issues with Freud’s classical psychoanalysis EXCEPT
  75. Process-experiential therapists do not use confrontation, according to Edwards and Davis.
  76. One way to look at the human tendency to self-actualize is that it’s
  77. This book of the Bible exemplifies the intentional expression of emotions, according to Kim-van Daalenand Johnson.
  78. A Biblical perspective on Person-Centered Therapy’s focus on self-actualization would add the need for cultivating self-transcendence.
  79. Adler’s focus on helping clients cultivate a broader social interest in the welfare of others is consistent with the Bible’s emphasis on serving one another, according to Tan.
  80. Edwards and Davis note that process-experiential therapy is most likely to be effective with clients who have an internalizing coping style.
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. EDCO 715 Quiz 1 2020
  2. EDCO 715 Quiz 1 Set 2
  3. EDCO 715 Quiz 1 Background-Related
  • Liberty University