HIST 300 Quiz 1

HIST 300 Quiz 1 Liberty University

HIST 300 Quiz: The Subject of History and How to Use It

Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1.

  1. What are some of the sub-fields of political history?
  2. Which would be included in the most recent fields of history?
  3. How could a field of history be defined?
  4. What is a cyclical view of history?
  5. What are historians trained to do?
  6. History shows us _______________.
  7. How does a history/humanities major finances change over time?
  8. The best visual representation of the study of history is _______________.
  9. Which of the skills below does a history major acquire?
  10. History is about _________________.

Set 2

  1. How could a field of history be defined?
  2. Which institution would public historian NOT find gainful employment?
  3. Which of these does NOT cause revisionism?
  4. What are some of the sub-fields of political history?
  5. What can affect a historian’s choice of historical questions?
  6. What kind of approach should a historian avoid?
  7. Providential History means ______________ in history.
  8. Ultimately, history skills are __________________ for other occupations.
  9. When considering the Bible, especially the Old Testament, most books are about __________________.
  10. All historians have _____________.
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  1. HIST 300 Quiz 1
  2. HIST 300 Quiz 1 2023
  • Liberty University