SOWK 300 Exam 2

SOWK 300 Exam 2 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. Openness to experience is one of the Big Five personality traits. Which of the following is descriptive of this trait?
  2. Vaillant (2002) proposes that a life task of late adulthood is to pass on the traditions of the past to the next generation. This life task is called:
  3. The struggle of late adulthood according to Erikson is:
  4. A theoretical perspective on social gerontology that suggests aging is dynamic, lifelong process characterized by many transitions is called:
  5. Baby Boomers is the cohort born between:
  6. Extroversion is one of the Big Five personality traits. Which of the following is descriptive of this trait?
  7. According to Piaget, enhanced problem solving and reasoning capabilities comes in the:
  8. Which stage of identity formation, developed by James Marcia, is comprised of exploration and commitment?
  9. An orientation to the internal world that comes into better balance in middle adulthood is:
  10. Talents, skills, intellectual capacity, social development, and emotional regulatory capacity can all be described as:
  11. Which stage of identity formation, developed by James Marcia, is comprised of no exploration and no commitment?
  12. In middle adulthood, mechanisms of coping that people use to master the demands of life generally mature. Coping mechanisms that consist of denial, projection, passive aggression, dissociation, acting out, and fantasy are known as:
  13. Which of the following is not one of the theories used to understand personality changes in middle adulthood?
  14. Death rituals in most cultures include the following:
  15. The external expression of grief is called:
  16. An age-related intellectual change where the capacity for abstract reasoning (responding or memorizing quickly) declines is called:
  17. Agreeableness is one of the Big Five personality traits. Which of the following is descriptive of this trait?
  18. The fastest growing segment of the aging population, are those aged:
  19. Which of the following is NOT a task in fostering intimacy in young adulthood?
  20. A form of care that focuses on pain and symptom management as opposed to curing the disease, is called:
  21. Which of the following is NOT a social role transition in young adulthood?
  22. The main task of young adulthood include:
  23. Conscientiousness is one of the Big Five personality traits. Which of the following is descriptive of this trait?
  24. Which of the following factors is considered to be a powerful risk factor for the development of cognitive and intellectual decline and physical illness in very late adulthood?
  25. Late adulthood is generally considered to be between what chronological ages?
  26. In 2013, the median age was:
  27. Kohlberg’s postconventional stage of moral development emphasizes greater contemplation of ethical principles, and development of a:
  28. Intimacy, which is a sense of warmth or closeness, has three components which are:
  29. According to the book, which of the following is a theme in the research on relationship patterns among very late-life adults?
  30. A theoretical perspective on social gerontology that suggests elderly persons gradually disengage from society is called:
  31. A concept which suggests that a historical event affects a cohort differently than it affects subsequent cohorts because of the life phase in which it occurred is called:
  32. Which of the following is notone of the major differences between heterosexual and homosexual relationships?
  33. Which of the following is NOT a component of generativity?
  34. According to one study:
  35. A theoretical perspective on social gerontology which suggests that society is stratified by age and thereby determines people’s roles and rights is called:
  36. Biological theories as to why our body’s age are important to understand in reference to late adulthood. Which theory suggests that the biological clock acts through hormones to influence the pace of aging?
  37. Overtime, losses accumulate in the following areas:
  38. Examples of _____________ include doing laundry, using transportation, and taking medication.
  39. Which of the following is NOT a trend in the work patterns of middle-aged workers in the United States?
  40. What percentage of the population of women over 80 experience osteoporosis?
  41. In middle adulthood, mechanisms of coping that people use to master the demands of life generally mature. Coping mechanisms that consist of sublimation, humor, altruism, and suppression are known as
  42. Family members who keep generations of family networks in touch with one another and make sure that both emotional and practical needs of family members are met are called:
  43. Over time, losses accumulate in which of the following areas?
  44. The quality of relationships between young adult partners and among the partners and their respective families will influence the couple’s adjustment to:
  45. Which of the following is NOT a commonly diagnosed mental disorder in late adulthood?
  46. Which of the following is one of the most visible signs of physiological changes for midlife adults?
  47. The normal internal reaction of an individual experiencing a loss is called:
  48. Which of the following describes a friendship script in lesbian relationship development?
  49. Spirituality late in life is associated with which of the following factors?
  50. An Eriksonian psychosocial stage that encompasses procreation, productivity, and creativity, is called:

Set 2

  1. According to the book, self-esteem tends to remain stable in young adulthood and there are several factors that influence self-esteem in a positive or negative direction. Which of the following is NOT one of those factors?
  2. Former foster youth who were successful in finding employment and housing were likely to have:
  3. Which of the following describes a sexually explicit script in lesbian relationship development?
  4. Which of the following is not a stage of accepting impending death?
  5. According to the book, a major component of intimacy that consists of a deep sense of caring, compassion, and positive regard and the opportunities to express the same is:
  6. Neuroticism is one of the Big Five personality traits. Which of the following is descriptive of this trait?
  7. The construction of middle adulthood is influenced by:
  8. A significant social role transition in young adulthood is:
  9. Which of the following is NOT a component of generativity?
  10. In middle adulthood, mechanisms of coping that people use to master the demands of life generally mature. Coping mechanisms that consist of sublimation, humor, altruism, and suppression are known as
  11. Active care of patients who have received a diagnosis of a serious, life-threatening illness is called:
  12. Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development describes the major task of young adulthood as the crisis of:
  13. The severing of an attachment an individual has with a loved one is called:
  14. A form of care that focuses on pain and symptom management as opposed to curing the disease, is called:
  15. In the textbook, the range of young adulthood is considered:
  16. An age-related intellectual change based on accumulated learning (the ability to reflect and recognize rather than to recall and remember) which increases with age is called:
  17. Which of the following is NOT a future trend for housing options in very late adulthood, according to the book?
  18. The study of the causes, processes, and consequences of race, national origin, and culture on individual and population aging is called:
  19. Which of the following is true regarding changes in the reproductive system in middle adulthood?
  20. Overtime, losses accumulate in the following areas:
  21. Spirituality late in life is associated with which of the following factors?
  22. According to the book, a major component of intimacy that consists of a feeling of cohesion and connection is:
  23. A theoretical perspective on social gerontology which suggests that resource exchanges in interpersonal interactions change with age is called:
  24. Changes that are a normal part of the aging process are called:
  25. In 2013, the average life expectancy was:
  26. Kohlberg’s postconventional stage of moral development emphasizes greater contemplation of ethical principles, and development of a:
  27. The external expression of grief is called:
  28. An orientation to the internal world that comes into better balance in middle adulthood is:
  29. Most of the residents in nursing homes are what age?
  30. Which of the following is NOT a social role transition in young adulthood?
  31. What kind of diseases become more significant in middle adulthood in high-income and middle-income countries?
  32. Changes caused by health-compromising behaviors such as smoking or environmental factors such as pollution are called:
  33. Which of the following is NOT a trend in the work patterns of middle-aged workers in the United States?
  34. Adulthood transitions which are defined by circumstance and situation rather than individual agency are called:
  35. According to the book, which of the following is a theme in the research on relationship patterns among very late-life adults?
  36. Which of the following is not one of the theories used to understand personality changes in middle adulthood?
  37. Research shows that youth aging out of foster care are particularly at risk for the following:
  38. Which stage of identity formation, developed by James Marcia, is comprised of exploration and commitment?
  39. The average age of women having their last period is:
  40. An orientation to the external world that comes into better balance in middle adulthood is:
  41. Which of the following describes a romance script in lesbian relationship development?
  42. Death rituals in most cultures include the following:
  43. Which stage of identity formation, developed by James Marcia, is comprised of exploration and no commitment?
  44. According to Vaillant, which of the following is NOT a condition under which retirement is stressful?
  45. The incidence of disease is called:
  46. Agreeableness is one of the Big Five personality traits. Which of the following is descriptive of this trait?
  47. The psychosocial struggle of middle adulthood according to Erikson’s theory is:
  48. For people age 65 and older, the two most prevalent and debilitating chronic conditions are:
  49. A theoretical perspective on social gerontology which helps us to understand the influence of social definitions, social interaction, and social structures on the individual elderly person and how self-concept arises through interaction with the environment is called:
  50. Conscientiousness is one of the Big Five personality traits. Which of the following is descriptive of this trait?
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  1. SOWK 300 Exam 2 Set 2
  2. SOWK 300 Exam 2