SUBS 608 Quiz 1

SUBS 608 Quiz 1 Liberty

SUBS 608 Quiz Sexual Addiction Overview and Treatment Strategies

  1. The number one commonality seen in all addictive behavior is an attitude of denial
  2. One of the reasons for the success rate of 12-step meetings is that they are good at challenging the addict’s cognitive distortions.
  3. Sexual addiction is defined as sexual behavior that is compulsive and continues despite adverse consequences.
  4. Individual therapy is the most effective type of therapy for the sex addict
  5. Clients with sex addiction often have the following patterns
  6. The following is true about most sex addicts
  7. Most addicts will seek help when the pain of the addiction is worse than the rewards of the addictive behavior.
  8. Addiction is characterized by the following:
  9. What is one of the four stages that is critical in the beginning of the therapeutic process?
  10. Defense mechanisms are often utilized by sex addicts to circumvent the guilt and psychological discomfort resulting from acting-out behaviors. The following high adaptive defense mechanisms often used by sex addicts
  11. The predominant form of cognitive distortions in the addict is denial.
  12. The following symptoms are often described by sex addicts
  13. The function of high level adaptive defenses are to
  14. The reconnaissance stage includes the following:
  15. Patterns of sexual addiction very closely resemble other additions such as compulsive gambling and binge eating.
  16. An intervention is a collective, professionally guided effort in conjunction with family and friends of the addict
  17. The SAST-R includes the following Addictive Dimension scale/scales to measure the sex addiction construct.
  18. The PATHOS screening tool includes the following item/items:
  19. The ideal assessment for sex addiction should include
  20. One of the primary screening tests for sexual addiction is the

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  1. Cognition is the primary means of communication exchange in relationships, especially when it comes to the therapeutic relationship in psychotherapy.
  2. Sealy suggests that psychotropic medications were not indicated for sexual addicts identified as being in denial over their degree of being out of control.
  3. It is often difficulty to draw the distinction between sexual addiction and co-sex addiction in women.
  4. It has been suggested that female addicts must discover their identity and worth apart from a relationship, some suggesting 6 months to a year of abstinence from all romantic relationships.
  5. Schwartz & Southern suggest that an attuned therapist will identify strong emotions such as grief or rage as a therapeutic window into developmental disturbances in their client.
  6. Sealy suggests that psychotropic medications were indicated for sexual addicts identified as highly avoidant of any anxiety or other uncomfortable feeling state.
  7. The ultimate treatment goal for sex addicts is mastering the experience of bonding and attaching in enduring and trusting intimate connections with others.
  8. Rage is a common defense against feelings of shame
  9. Sex addiction is primarily a problem for men, not women.
  10. Sealy found that antidepressant medications were ineffective for sexual addicts suffering from symptoms of OCD.
  11. According to Yalom, corrective recapitulation of the primary family group members experience transference relationships in group.
  12. Shame reduction and boundary setting depend on the ability to recognize, identify, and process strong emotional experiences.
  13. Harlow suggested that proceptive behaviors are important variables to successful primate mating patterns because of their increased capacities derived from a relatively larger cerebral cortex than lower mammal groups.
  14. Group therapy allows for more complete healing of core shame than individual treatment alone.
  15. Sexual fantasies are useful to the clinician as they often indicate a connection to past trauma.
  16. In working with borderline sexual addicts, it is recommended to gender match the therapist to the client.
  17. Short term group therapy is contraindicated in dealing with sexual addiction
  18. Shame, guilt and affect dysregulation are the three key barriers that prevent addicts from breaking the compulsive cycle of sexual addiction.
  19. Sexual addiction rarely exists alone, but is associated with other addictions and psychiatric disorders.
  20. Sealy’s findings suggest that patients with no major substance abuse history, but with clinical symptoms of major depression responded to antidepressant medications.
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  1. SUBS 608 Quiz 1
  2. SUBS 608 Quiz 1 Sexual Addiction