PSYC 351 Test 4 Quiz 4

PSYC 351 Test 4 Liberty University

  1. According to the notes, the development of Disability Identity constructs has lagged behind those for other related statuses, such as
  2. Psalm 119: 97-104 addresses the value of adhering to God’s word.
  3. What was the name of the ‘rich man’ in the story of Luke 16:19, 20?
  4. Historically, the pursuit of ___________ __________ of human biological traits, led to the concept of what is “normal” and what is “deviant.”
  5. Self-Efficacy is an individual’s disposition to judge their ability to actually do certain activities.
  6. The most fundamental notion of Christian Psychology is
  7. Who said “Oftentimes, normal is defined solely as the absence of deviance, illness, or disability”?
  8. The past cannot be changed. But the way we think about the past, present, and future can be.
  9. Interventions that integrate spirituality may be important to highly religious clients for
  10. “Assistive Technology” helps people with disabilities to maintain, increase or improve their functional capabilities. It commonly refers to
  11. One’s ‘worldview’ influences how we
  12. Disability as part of the human condition
  13. Who stated “Individuals are neither powerless objects controlled by environmental forces nor entirely free agents who can do whatever they want.”
  14. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law in 1996.
  15. ‘Normalcy’ is often defined by those who are
  16. In CBT, once treatment goals are set, treatment techniques should then be developed.
  17. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a psychological treatment that addresses the interactions between how we
  18. The ‘Reasonable Accommodations’ mandate in the ADA was written into the law to primarily address the needs of the employer.
  19. The criteria most often used to diagnose psychiatric disorders are found in the DSM-5.
  20. According to the notes, the integration of psychology and theology has grown and matured.
  21. CBT is often thought of as
  22. In the notes, Transitional Issues refers to the transition from school to working life for an adolescent with a disability. This process is thought of as
  23. In CBT, what we do (Our behaviors) does NOT affect how we feel and think.
  24. All secular counselors find integrating spirituality into therapy antithetical to ethical practice.
  25. Often, people are very selective/subjective in the ‘evidence’ that they focus on regarding their lives.
  26. In the very early stages of CBT, ‘objectivity’ by the counselor is not needed.
  27. Which of these were the first to incorporate cognitive constructs with behavioral theory?
  28. According to some, CBT is the integration of ‘___________’ and ‘____________.’
  29. It is easy to address the “whole” of the disability experience within one human made postulate.
  30. Religious and spiritual involvement in studies across cultures, found impact in
  31. Catastrophizing: Guessing that others are thinking negatively about us.
  32. A ‘myth’ of people with disabilities is that most are wheelchair users.
  33. implants for individuals who are deaf, improve the individual’s speech perception and oral communications. Paradoxically, some in the deaf community refuse them.
  34. Philippians 4:8, 9 addresses external behaviorism.
  35. According to the notes, the four ‘models’ of disability are
  36. Match the following: Sir Francis Galton. Karl Pearson. Charles Darwin. Herbert Spencer. Abraham Maslow.
  37. Match the following: Carolyn Vash. F. Shontz. Biklen. Julie Smart. Braddock and Parrish.
  38. Match the following: Reciprocal Determinism. Dichotomous Thinking Maladaptive Beliefs. Schemata. Emotional Reasoning.

Set 1

  1. Match the following: Sir Francis Galton. Karl Pearson. Charles Darwin. Herbert Spencer. Abraham Maslow.
  2. Match the following: Carolyn Vash. F. Shontz. Biklen. Julie Smart. Braddock and Parrish.
  3. Match the following: Reciprocal Determinism. Dichotomous Thinking Maladaptive Beliefs. Schemata. Emotional Reasoning.
  4. Who said “Oftentimes, normal is defined solely as the absence of deviance, illness, or disability”?
  5. Often, people are very selective/subjective in the ‘evidence’ that they focus on regarding their lives.
  6. It is easy to address the “whole” of the disability experience within one human made postulate.
  7. According to the notes, the four ‘models’ of disability are
  8. The most fundamental notion of Christian Psychology is
  9. Self-Efficacy is an individual’s disposition to judge their ability to actually do certain activities.
  10. A ‘myth’ of people with disabilities is that most are wheelchair users.
  11. Catastrophizing: Guessing that others are thinking negatively about us.
  12. According to the notes, the integration of psychology and theology has grown and matured.
  13. Who stated “Individuals are neither powerless objects controlled by environmental forces nor entirely free agents who can do whatever they want.”
  14. Philippians 4:8, 9 addresses external behaviorism.
  15. In the very early stages of CBT, ‘objectivity’ by the counselor is not needed.
  16. One’s ‘worldview’ influences how we
  17. Religious and spiritual involvement in studies across cultures, found impact in
  18. Interventions that integrate spirituality may be important to highly religious clients for
  19. Psalm 119: 97-104 addresses the value of adhering to God’s word.
  20. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a psychological treatment that addresses the interactions between how we
  21. Historically, the pursuit of ___________ __________ of human biological traits, led to the concept of what is “normal” and what is “deviant.”
  22. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law in 1996.
  23. The ‘Reasonable Accommodations’ mandate in the ADA was written into the law to primarily address the needs of the employer.
  24. All secular counselors find integrating spirituality into therapy antithetical to ethical practice.
  25. According to some, CBT is the integration of ‘___________’ and ‘____________.’
  26. ___________ implants for individuals who are deaf, improve the individual’s speech perception and oral communications. Paradoxically, some in the deaf community refuse them.
  27. Which of these were the first to incorporate cognitive constructs with behavioral theory?
  28. The criteria most often used to diagnose psychiatric disorders are found in the DSM-5.
  29. The past cannot be changed. But the way we think about the past, present, and future can be.
  30. In CBT, what we do (Our behaviors) does NOT affect how we feel and think.
  31. CBT is often thought of as
  32. “Assistive Technology” helps people with disabilities to maintain, increase or improve their functional capabilities. It commonly refers to
  33. What was the name of the ‘rich man’ in the story of Luke 16:19, 20?
  34. Disability as part of the human condition
  35. According to the notes, the development of Disability Identity constructs has lagged behind those for other related statuses, such as
  36. ‘Normalcy’ is often defined by those who are
  37. In CBT, once treatment goals are set, treatment techniques should then be developed.
  38. In the notes, Transitional Issues refers to the transition from school to working life for an adolescent with a disability. This process is thought of as

Set 2

  1. Match the following:
  2. Match the following:
  3. Match the following:
  4. Self-Efficacy is an individual’s disposition to judge their ability to actually do certain activities.
  5. Often, people are very selective/subjective in the ‘evidence’ that they focus on regarding their lives.
  6. Religious and spiritual involvement in studies across cultures, found impact in
  7. Philippians 4:8, 9 addresses external behaviorism.
  8. A ‘myth’ of people with disabilities is that most are wheelchair users.
  9. “Assistive Technology” helps people with disabilities to maintain, increase or improve their functional capabilities. It commonly refers to
  10. Historically, the pursuit of ___________ __________ of human biological traits, led to the concept of what is “normal” and what is “deviant.”
  11. The criteria most often used to diagnose psychiatric disorders are found in the DSM-5.
  12. It is easy to address the “whole” of the disability experience within one human made postulate.
  13. The most fundamental notion of Christian Psychology is
  14. ‘Normalcy’ is often defined by those who are
  15. According to the notes, the integration of psychology and theology has grown and matured.
  16. Who said “Oftentimes, normal is defined solely as the absence of deviance, illness, or disability”?
  17. Psalm 119: 97-104 addresses the value of adhering to God’s word.
  18. Disability as part of the human condition
  19. According to some, CBT is the integration of ‘___________’ and ‘____________.’
  20. ___________ implants for individuals who are deaf, improve the individual’s speech perception and oral communications. Paradoxically, some in the deaf community refuse them.
  21. In CBT, once treatment goals are set, treatment techniques should then be developed.
  22. In the very early stages of CBT, ‘objectivity’ by the counselor is not needed.
  23. Interventions that integrate spirituality may be important to highly religious clients for
  24. In the notes, Transitional Issues refers to the transition from school to working life for an adolescent with a disability. This process is thought of as
  25. The past cannot be changed. But the way we think about the past, present, and future can be.
  26. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a psychological treatment that addresses the interactions between how we
  27. According to the notes, the four ‘models’ of disability are
  28. Who stated “Individuals are neither powerless objects controlled by environmental forces nor entirely free agents who can do whatever they want.”
  29. All secular counselors find integrating spirituality into therapy antithetical to ethical practice.
  30. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law in 1996.
  31. The ‘Reasonable Accommodations’ mandate in the ADA was written into the law to primarily address the needs of the employer.
  32. Which of these were the first to incorporate cognitive constructs with behavioral theory?
  33. Catastrophizing: Guessing that others are thinking negatively about us.
  34. In CBT, what we do (Our behaviors) does NOT affect how we feel and think.
  35. CBT is often thought of as
  36. One’s ‘worldview’ influences how we
  37. What was the name of the ‘rich man’ in the story of Luke 16:19, 20?
  38. According to the notes, the development of Disability Identity constructs has lagged behind those for other related statuses, such as

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  • Liberty University