BUSI 240 Quiz 7

BUSI 240 Quiz 7 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. People tend to evaluate female leaders slightly less favorably than male leaders because
  2. Task-oriented leaders
  3. Scenario A EFT Inc. wants to empower and engage its employees. It has several teams consisting of highly skilled employees, and no one person on these teams has a specifically assigned position. Instead, employees lead each other as the occasion arises, so there is no formal hierarchy or organizational chart. EFT’s leadership style is most effective when
  4. According to Exhibit 12.4, which one of the following is nota leadership attribute?
  5. When people have leadership prototypes, they
  6. ________ theory identifies conditions that either limit the leader’s ability to influence subordinates or make a particular leadership style unnecessary.
  7. According to the attribute perspective of leadership,
  8. Which of the following leadership theories or perspectives explicitly includes the participative and the directive styles?
  9. Effective transformational leaders generate meaning and motivation in followers by relying on
  10. Successful leaders have a positive self-evaluation, including high self-esteem, self-efficacy, and internal locus of control. This refers to the leaders’ ________.
  11. ________ leadership is more micro-focused and concrete.
  12. One way that followers inflate their perceptions that leaders make a difference is through
  13. When the environment is predictable, ________ environments are more efficient, so they tend to be more profitable than organic structures under these conditions.
  14. The more complex the environment, the more ________ the organization should become.
  15. ________ work better in rapidly changing environments because they are more flexible and responsive to the changes.
  16. A chain of command is established through
  17. One of the defining characteristics of a matrix organizational structure is that it
  18. Which of the following organizational design elements determines the sharing of resources and encourages coordination through informal communication?
  19. ________ is the degree to which organizations standardize behavior through rules, procedures, formal training, and related mechanisms.
  20. Lester is frustrated that there appears to be no one who has the authority to make decisions on his team. Which coordinating mechanism is lacking on his team?
  21. A consumer products firm with a functional structure is expanding from a single product line into several diverse product groups, with most sales within one country. Which of the following should it eventually adopt to manage the new conditions most effectively?
  22. A second factor influencing the best span of control is whether employees
  23. Team-based organizational structures are usually found
  24. Where the technology has low variability and high analyzability, a(n) ________ structure is preferred.
  25. Dividing work into more specialized jobs

Set 2

  1. Leadership prototypes refer to
  2. Effective transformational leaders generate meaning and motivation in followers by relying on
  3. Which of the following is a leadership style identified in path-goal theory?
  4. The concept of leadership prototypes is an important component of
  5. According to Exhibit 12.4, which one of the following is not a leadership attribute?
  6. One way that followers inflate their perceptions that leaders make a difference is through
  7. behaviors encourage and facilitate employee involvement in decisions beyond their normal work activities.
  8. Implicit leadership theory states that
  9. EFT Inc. wants to empower and engage its employees. It has several teams consisting of highly skilled employees, and no one person on these teams has a specifically assigned position. Instead, employees lead each other as the occasion arises, so there is no formal hierarchy or organizational chart. Which of the following is a disadvantage of EFT’s leadership style?
  10. Path-goal theory argues that
  11. Which of the following explicitly argues that people have a preferred leadership style based on their personality, so organizations should move leaders into situations that fit their preferred style?
  12. Which of the following characteristics addresses leaders’ high need for achievement?
  13. ABC Production, a consumer products firm with a functional structure, is expanding from a single product line into several diverse product groups, with most sales within one country. A potential benefit with ABC’s form of structure is
  14. are organizational forms surrounded by a cluster composed of span of control, centralization, and formalization.
  15. Tammy recently earned her degree in nursing and has begun a career path in the surgical ward at a local hospital. Her training program consists of a year-long internship, working with senior nurses. While in school, Tammy worked in a medical lab performing routine blood tests. The lab technician job required her to take a two-week course and refer to a procedures manual for her work on a daily basis. Which coordinating mechanism is most important in Tammy’s new career as a surgical nurse?
  16. The more diversified the environment, the more the firm needs to use a ________ aligned with that diversity.
  17. When larger organizations disperse decision authority and power throughout the organization, they
  18. Coordination of work activities is
  19. Which of the following organizational design elements determines the sharing of resources and encourages coordination through informal communication?
  20. Organic structures are better than mechanistic structures for ________ environments.
  21. is the degree to which organizations standardize behavior through rules, procedures, formal training, and related mechanisms.
  22. A potential disadvantage of ________ structures is that they expose the core firm to market forces.
  23. Which one of the following is a limitation of the divisional structure?
  24. Which of the following is an issue with flatter hierarchies?
  25. A team-based organizational structure has a

Set 3

  1. According to studies of task- and people-oriented leadership effectiveness, the best leaders:
  2. Which of the following statements about emotional intelligence and leadership is true?
  3. Fiedler’s contingency model of leadership has made an important and lasting contribution to the study of leadership because it:
  4. How do women differ from men in their use of leadership styles?
  5. EFT, Inc. wants to empower and engage its employees. They have several teams consisting of highly skilled employees and no one person on these teams has a specifically assigned position. Instead, employees lead each other as the occasion arises so there is no formal hierarchy or organizational chart. This type of leadership is most effective when:
  6. Transformational leaders:
  7. Which of the following refers to “walking the talk”?
  8. Which of the following statements about culture and leadership is true?
  9. Which of the following is a limitation of the transformational perspective of leadership?
  10. According to path-goal theory, a combination of _____ leadership is best for employees who are (or perceive themselves to be) inexperienced and unskilled.
  11. MoneySafe, a financial services organization, uses performance-based reward systems across various departments to keep employees directed toward organizational goals. The management believes that these rewards might replace or reduce the need for task-oriented leadership. Which of the following leadership styles is of least importance under these circumstances?
  12. Task-oriented leaders:
  13. One of the defining characteristics of a matrix organizational structure is that it:
  14. In organizational structures, integrator roles serve mainly as:
  15. A team-based organizational structure has a:
  16. A consumer products firm with a functional structure is expanding from a single product line into several diverse product groups, with most sales within one country. Which of the following should it eventually adopt to manage the new conditions most effectively?
  17. Two technological contingencies that influence the best type of organizational structure are:
  18. Team-based organizations have:
  19. Food4U, a wholesale grocery business, operates in one city and provides one service – stocking retailers with fresh produce. The company wants to ensure that employees develop expertise in their skill specialization and that these specializations are used efficiently. A potential problem with this form of structure is:
  20. Many of the best-performing production plants are able to widen their span of control to more than 70 employees per supervisor by:
  21. Dividing work into more specialized jobs:
  22. Organic structures are better than mechanistic structures for:
  23. Span of control, centralization, and formalization together form a cluster around two broader organizational forms called:
  24. When work activities are too complex to standardize through procedures or goals, companies often coordinate work effort:
  25. Food4U, a wholesale grocery business, operates in one city and provides one service – stocking retailers with fresh produce. The company wants to ensure that employees develop expertise in their skill specialization and that these specializations are used efficiently. What form of departmentalization would be most appropriate here?
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  2. BUSI 240 Quiz 7
  3. BUSI 240 Quiz 7 2018